History Report on Tea


I'm going to teach you about tea and war. Your going to be given a BLAST of humor.
My topics are Who What When Where How  Why and Fun Facts.I enjoy this topic because it put this weird thought in my mind and I was saying  “Why start war and raise taxes?
I hope you enjoy and ask as many questions as needed once again please enjoy.

Who (it's kind of obvious)

The who is the UK and the US they were both apart of basically everything like
the American revolution well thats
Just about it of what there both apart of but there still is the tea act and all the others from the townshend acts.

What (BOI)

It's about taxes and war for the most of it but there still some other STUFF.

When(Ok this is fine)

It's from 1768-1775
There is a lot of sad stuff during the time LIKE, In 1768 American colonists were forced to house British troops, In 1770 there was the townshend act and boston massacre, In 1772 the massachusetts leaders started the committees of correspondence, In 1773 there was the boston harbor boston tea party and the tea act, In 1774 there was the first continental congress, In 1775 there was the lexington and concord fight.( quote: “Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here”
  • Captain james Parker 1775)

Were (another one BOI)

#short chapter/page

Just Uk and Usa. :|

#5 (WHY are people so crazy)
Why raise the taxes on tea you say cause they just payed for a war but people STILL PURCHASED IT people are crazy and I can tell.
And why war because they spit up to two continents  which made some hate but they are cool now in my opinion.

#6 (why I do dis)

Well you can't really ask how they raised taxes and started a war but they raised the taxes and started war :|.

#7 (why were people so dumb back then)
The results

The war just brought hate and so did the tea but were all cool now ;].

#8 (ok there is nothing wrong with this)
Fun facts

Paul Revere was one of the people to dump the 10,000 pounds of tea I mean that's a lot if you know what I mean but back to the fact of the boat and so did sam adams.
There is a bunch of other stuff the got there taxes raised LIKE, Paint “GIVE ME A CANVIS” , Led “Excuse me I Need a pencil, Sugar “Just A spoonful of sugar makes dat medicine go down”  , Glass “dont shader my china” , Paper “SAVE DUH TREES” , Cards and Stamps “Go fish”.
Did you know the the Tea act was in the Revolutionary War time “That's a lot of bad stuff”.

By Jean Fritz And then what happened paul revere.
Brainpop.com This is link Btw
Social studies United States makes a new nation.
Infoplease.com Link:Infoplease.com

Thank you all for reading my informational packet please ask questions and as many as needed I hope you enjoyed.


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