The eye cut

The day had been beautiful but now it's dark like a shadow my brother and I were playing a nightly game of chess and I sat there for 3 minutes holding
The chess piece. Then  I moved the piece, “check mate”I said.

“You win” said my brother.

“Yes yes yes” I said.

I was about to get up but BOOM!
“owowow” I screamed.
“Oh my gosh” yelled my brother.
“Moooooom” I screamed at the top of my lungs my mom ran into the room at the speed of light.  
“oh my god!” my mom said.
She ran to the towels and immediately she put it on my eye.

5 Minutes later my mom took the towel off my eye was still bleeding.
My mom held my hand and ran out of the house and jumped into
The car. 5 minutes later, we were there. my mom slammed the
Hospital door open and yelled,
“ererer!” A nurse brought us to
the er and I started to lay down and the nurse said
“I'll be right back.”



“Im scared” I said
“it's ok” said my mom I look at the tv I saw happy
Feet was playing “I love this movie” I said.
“ that's kind of good  to now” said my mom
“im back” said the doctor.
“what's your name” I said
“july” “k” I said.
“ don't be worried but were going to need to do surgery” july said...

Chapter 3

“ Im im scared” I said “it will be ok” july said.
“ I'm going to need to put this shot in you so you will sleep” july said “k” I said.
HshhsFffrs the sound that the shot made “uh…” “scissors scalpel
Knife” gththgth the sound of my guts 2 hours later
“what the” “am I alive” I said
“yes” said july
“ I feel good” I said and then I thought of the chess game


Chapter 4

After i got back from the hospital when I walked into my house I saw the chess piece then I picked it up...then I dropped it. then I looked
at the time it was 12:00 am so then I ran upstairs and I jumped on my bed you could hear the springs.  I went to sleep I woke up at 8:00am
my mom had all my stuff and I got into here car.

Chapter 5

So I got into my moms car and I asked “is there any birthday partys going on?” she replied with “not any that I know”.
“k” I said “not more traffic” my mom said. 2 Minutes later i'm at school and im 5 minutes early so I dropped my backpack and ran
at the speed of light to the playground.  I went to the bottom of the spiral slide
And I saw a third grader and he walked up to me and said “hey loser” and he slapped me on my cheek. he ran I rubbed my cheek I didn't cry so I went through the school day and I went back home and I saw the chess piece and I went to the bathroom.  I took of the bandage and the cut was sealed completely.


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